My latest reading fascination is FOOD RULES by Michael Pollan. Initially, I thought the title meant “food RULES,” as in “food is AWESOME.” (And, of course, it is!) What it actually refers to is a list of 64 guidelines that Pollan put together after writing IN DEFENSE OF FOOD. (I haven’t read that one yet. It’s on my list!)
I haven’t read them all yet, even though it’s a super short book, but I came across one that jumped up and down at me and yelled “Me! Me! Talk about me!”
Soooooooooo…which of Pollan’s rules was so emphatically asking for attention?
#12: Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle.
Grocery stores carry all sorts of both foods and food-like substances. If you think about most versions of the American grocery store, the perimeter of the store is where you find more of the whole foods and/or the less-processed foods. The middle is where you find things like Cheetos and breakfast cereals that turn the milk weird colors. The perimeter is where you find fresh vegetables, fruits, the meat counter, and the dairy cases. (Granted, not everything in the dairy case is an actual food, but you get the idea. And not everything in the middle of the store is unhealthy.)
Why is the perimeter of the store better? Processed foods (while often delicious) are loaded with all sorts of stuff that isn’t good for you, such as high amounts of sugar, preservatives, fats, and other junk. It’s much better for you to take those whole foods and process them yourself – by cooking at home! Plan your grocery shopping ahead of time by having a menu and a list, and focus on the periphery of the store.
Cheers! Here’s to your health!