I’ve talked about meditation, but today I want to talk about stillness, about just being present with what you’re doing and settling down for quiet time. I’m not focusing on meditation or mindfulness (both excellent topics), although being still could be considered to be related to both of those. It’s just not being frantically busy. Be still. Sit for a conversation. Stop. Take a breath. Step back from hectic. What are the benefits? You’ll be more focused on where you are and what you’re doing. I had the opportunity today after a long day to have a nice, if brief, conversation over a glass of wine, seated in the back yard, enjoying the gorgeous weather. It was one of those moments I felt very present and blissfully still, even though the dogs were hectic and my friend’s small child was active. It helped me set a tone for the remainder of my day and remind me that small moments mean a lot. Blood pressure down, tiredness level dissipated a bit, and contentment level went way up. (And yes, there will be a future post – or posts! – about the benefits of mindfulness…) :)
Where can you make a moment in your day to be still and be present with yourself or with those around you?
Cheers! Here’s to your health!