Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Resting

In January of 2016, I wrote a #winewellnesswednesday post about going unplugged.

This seems to be becoming a trend for me this time of year, as today’s topic is about taking a day of rest.

I really enjoyed reading the article linked in the comments, and it reminded me how important it is not only to be unplugged occasionally, but to deliberately set aside time for resting.

Favorite tidbits from the article, in no particular order:

  • “And long talks prove to be far more effective in building community than short ones on the ride to the mall.”
  • “Just like resting physical muscles allows them opportunity to rejuvenate which leads to greater physical success, providing our minds with rest provides it opportunity to refocus and rejuvenate.”
  • “Concentrated rest allows us to take a step back, to evaluate our lives, to identify our values, and determine if our life is being lived for them.”

Resting doesn’t need to mean sitting on your sofa doing nothing. It means planning for a day of avoiding the hectic nature of the rest of our day-to-day lives. Reading. Maybe going for a walk in the park. Playing a board game with your family. Not reading email. Watching a movie together. Everyone is unique, so everyone can find something that suits him or her. For example, my husband and I chose to focus on being together and staying home, with a mix of being busy and relaxed, during the New Year’s weekend; this let us both regenerate after a hectic five weeks and avoid any NYE craziness. ;)

How do you define rest? What (other than sleep!) do you do in order to rest and recharge?

Cheers! Here’s to your health! :)