So about two weeks ago I had the usual annual physical, weight, height, BP, what hurts, is everything normal, and so on, and so forth, and the expected needle stick for a blood draw, which left me sporting a colorful, misshapen bruise in my elbow for a week.
One of the things I’ve been grateful for has been that in spite of being overweight (although not as much as I was!) my numbers have been pretty good.
Until now.
In spite of my scale and the doctor’s scale agreeing that I’ve lost weight… (Yay!)
In spite of giving up fast food almost entirely and most junk food almost entirely…
In spite of exercising daily…
LDL and glucose are up.
Ok…now what…
I grumbled and growled about it for a couple of days and then I started thinking. I looked back at the past year and I could see where things might have happened that would contribute to those two numbers being out of whack.
And then I thought to myself, “What would I say to a client?” I answered myself, “Figure out the first thing you can do, and start there.” And I’m looking at it as an intriguing challenge, because one of the biggest factors I can change is my diet, and that is also going to be a lot of fun in a lot of ways. Why? I LOVE to cook. I LOVE trying new recipes! So figuring out different proteins and ways to incorporate more colorful veggies into my menus? Changing the fats I use for cooking? Absolutely! I’m all over it! Changing up and increasing exercise? Totally! (Although…the 4+ miles I walked at work recently is probably also helpful!) Planning on the numbers being lower and not needing medication the next time I get blood drawn? Absolutely.
Being a health coach doesn’t mean I have all the answers. It means I have the tools to find the answers and hold myself accountable (in a positive way) to figuring it out and making positive, sustainable changes. I also have a support network, and that’s huge. :)
So here I go into new territory! Who’s coming along for the ride?
Cheers! Here’s to your health!