Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Self Worth

I’ve been enjoying some quiet time with just myself the past few days, exploring a new-to-us area while my husband is on a business trip. I’ve been both out-and-about, exploring, as well as basking in silence in our hotel room.

And I’ve been thinking. One of the results of that contemplation is today’s slightly different #winewellnesswednesday post. All of us have value. All of us. Recognizing that intrinsic value in self becomes reflected in everything else.


Yes, you, the person reading this. 

You have value.

Go find a mirror, take a deep breath, and repeat those three words to yourself. Or find a smartphone and turn the camera to selfie mode. 

Whatever it takes, look yourself in the face and repeat those three words to yourself. Out loud.

Believe yourself. You’re telling yourself the truth. 

What would change if we said those things to ourselves every day, with conviction behind the words?

A simple act of kindness can change someone’s day. 

A simple, genuine word can change someone’s world. 

Why not your own?

Self care and self worth are critical to your health.

It both is and isn’t about thinking positively or positive self talk. You have value every day, whether you’re having a good day or a cruddy one. You have value every day, whether you’re in a good mood or a bad one. You will make mistakes; you will make magic. Those positive words, “You have value,” said to yourself with conviction? Those will help.

You have value.

Don’t forget it.

Isn’t it important to treat what you value with care?

Isn’t it important to treasure what you value?

Treasure yourself. Treasure your health.

Look in a mirror and repeat after me, “You have value.”

Cheers! Here’s to your health!