March is National Craft Month, and while for many of us it seems that every month (or every day) is craft month, thinking about crafts got me thinking about creativity (as one of my core values) and crafting and health.
I posted about five years ago about hobbies for your health. When I decided to revisit the topic, I went back to the original post and a lot of it is still true for me.
I have continued to cross stitch daily, I added crocheting daily, and in August of 2022 I learned to knit, or, possibly more accurately, I was finally inspired to wrangle my patience into actually knitting, and I’ve done that daily ever since. (To be clear, I understood the mechanics of knitting but I finally decided to apply the same mentality to it: persistence and patience. I am still totally a beginner knitter but I am knitting and that makes me happy!)
Also, in looking back at the original post, I was shocked to see I didn’t call out crocheting for health benefits! What was I thinking? LOL! (To be fair, the original post did get lengthy!)
Focusing on the repetitive motion of knitting or crocheting can be almost meditative and reduce stress, which reduces blood pressure, which is good for you. (That may not ALWAYS be true for every project…but it’s pretty true.) Finishing a project can be a major accomplishment, which is a definite boost to self esteem. I finished crocheting my first wearable item that wasn’t a scarf or shawl back in August of 2022. I crocheted a CARDIGAN! This was a gigantic accomplishment for me! I am delighted when I wear it and someone says how much they like it. “Thanks! I made it!” Learning new things is good for your brain, and working with your hands helps keep them nimble. It can, if you’re careful, also lessen joint pain. (Be careful with posture and repetitive motion, and if you’re going to knit or crochet for hours on end, consider protective/supportive sleeves/gloves.)
So! Do you have a hobby? What’s your favorite craft? Happy National Craft Month, and happy Wine & Wellness Wednesday! Cheers! Here’s to your health!