Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Routines Are Awesome!

Routines are good things. Back in March, I did a #winewellnesswednesday topic about routines. Recently, with lots more travel in my life than is normal, and with massive disruption in my routine, I had reason to think again about why routines are good and how they can be helpful. I didn’t get my entire morning routine back today, however, I was closer to whatever normal is than the day before, and I’m sure that contributed to a rather better day. AND…I’m looking forward to getting more of the routine back tomorrow. It’s also really comforting to know that it’s becoming easier and easier to get the routine back, which is helpful for maintaining healthy habits! (Particularly as more holidays approach…my exercise routine in particular will be really important to keep!)

What healthy routines do you enjoy? What healthy routines do you want to start? There’s no time like the present! (It’s a gift, you know!) Cheers! Here’s to your health! :)