Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Cauliflower!

Cauliflower! It’s not just the veggie-that-everyone-leaves-on-the-relish-tray any more!

Whew! That was a really long, moderately ridiculous hyphenated thing I just did there.

Let’s get serious for a minute.

When was the last time you heard someone say, “I just LOVE cauliflower!”?

I’ll wait.

Still waiting.

(Maybe it’s you. Maybe you’re the one who says it! That’s super cool if it’s the case!)

I feel as though cauliflower is the little brother to broccoli that no one likes. That was definitely the case for me for a long time. Then not long ago I made a cream soup using cauliflower instead of milk, and last week my husband made a shepherd’s pie using mashed cauliflower as the topping instead of mashed potatoes. Both of those recipes were AMAZING.

What else is amazing? The nutrient value for cauliflower! One cup of cauliflower has around 25 calories and 5 grams of carbs in one cup. One cup of potatoes has around 115 calories and 26 grams of carbs. Zoikes! Cauliflower has vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. What’s that mean? Other than it’s good for you, you can eat more and feel better about it, but it’s so filling you probably won’t want more.

What’s your favorite way to eat cauliflower?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!