Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Listen to Your Body!

Do you listen to your body? What is it telling you?

I had a craving recently for an old fashioned glazed donut. 

I thought to myself, “Having one just this once can't hurt.” 

Then I thought about how I felt recently when I inadvertently had wheat in a meal. My gut was a mess. I ached all over. My mood tanked in a BIG way.

Not. Worth. It. 

(It’s even less worth it to go for the glazed donut, when Sweet Treat without Wheat makes AMAZING gluten-free donuts.)

It’s hard. It is so very, very hard to figure out what your body might be telling you. Everyone is different, so everyone’s reactions to foods are different.

Have you had an excess of…wheat, or dairy, or…? How do you feel? What is your mood? What is your body trying to tell you?

Here’s a challenge for you. Pay attention to what you eat, and how you feel, for three or four or five days. (One day isn’t much time, so doing it just once won’t give you great data.) Did you cut back on something? How did your body react? Did you eat a lot of something? How did your body react? Maybe that triple stack of pancakes three days a week is delicious, but it’s making your joints ache. Listen to your body; it knows what you really need.

Cheers! Here’s to your health!