Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Ginger

I was thinking recently about the healthy properties of some of my favorite foodstuffs. (Yes, you guess correctly that future Wine & Wellness Wednesday topics will include some of those foodstuffs!) Ginger has long been one of my favorite flavors, and I’ve known for a long time that it can also be good for me. (Ginger ale for an upset stomach, anyone?) Ginger is rumored to be good for indigestion, IBS, pain relief, toothaches, and even for treating burns.

Also? It’s delicious, whether in ginger ale, or sliced into oatmeal when cooking, or candied and covered in dark chocolate, or used as an ingredient in spiced apple cider or any of dozens of recipes. :) 

Whether you’re cooking with it or carefully ingesting it in powdered form as a capsule, enjoy ginger and its benefits!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!