Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Microbursts Matter

Microbursts matter.

No, I’m not talking about weather.

I could talk about weather. I could talk a whole LOT about weather; we’ve had some today and recently. Today’s weather was stormy, rainy, and noisy. There may have actually been some microbursts during today’s weather, as we had the potential for tornados.

What I’m talking about is microbursts of exercise.

Huh? Shouldn’t we target exercising at least 10 minutes a day, preferably 30 minutes or more?

Well…in a word…yes.

However, what if you aren’t accustomed to exercise? Ten minutes can seem like an impossible amount of time. Even five minutes can seem like an eternity.

What about one minute?

What about two minutes?

What about working up to three, then four, then five minutes of sustained activity?

What about one minute of exercise, multiple times throughout a day, to accommodate whatever else is going on with your body or your life? Chronic pain, or illness, or insanely busy schedules can all interfere with getting longer periods of exercise.

I frequently tell people that my brand of health coaching isn’t all “EAT MORE KALE AND RUN FIVE MILES A DAY.” ;) I’ve had multiple health issues and surgeries over the years, and sometimes a minute of exercise felt like a major accomplishment.

That’s ok.

That’s more than ok.

That’s amazing!

Some days, a minute of exercise is all you need, because the next day it might be two minutes.

Cheers! Here’s to your health!