A nice steak and baked potato with a side of broccoli or asparagus sounds like a fabulous meal, if you’re a meat-eater and if you like traditional-ish dining.
I’m both, and I do.
When I was going through my health coaching studies, one of the topics that popped up and intrigued me and I kept meaning to go back to it was food combining for better nutrient absorption.
Turns out, according to some studies (and let us not forget that nutrition as a science is still developing), what the body needs to do to digest meat and to digest a potato? Those actions are contradictory. So, no. That delightful meal of a bacon-wrapped steak (yes, I eat bacon) with a baked potato is not an ideal meal for nutrient absorption. (Although it’s delicious. If you’re a meat-eater.)
Also? The rules, such as they are, can be really confusing. One source says…and another says…and another says…ARGH! Maybe I’ll just stick to the steak and potato.
Except I like trying new things, and I want to get the most out of the meals I eat and enjoy.
I try to plan menus at least a week at a time, and sometimes I’ve even gone so far as to plan four to five weeks at a time. So for the next couple of weeks, I’m planning meals with an eye toward the concept of food combinations (or food synergy). For the record, it’s going to be a little hard to do, at least initially! Tonight we had fantastic chicken and veggie kabobs, but after a very long, very hot day in the greenhouse I really, really wanted carbs so we had rice instead of salad with the kabobs. Oops! Already breaking the rules. ;) I have lots more research to do, but I’m excited about playing with my food and being healthier!!
Cheers! Here’s to your health!