Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Food Rules #64

Ok, so last week for #winewellnesswednesday I went back to Michael Pollan’s FOOD RULES and started at the beginning, with rule 1: Eat food.

Now, just to be contrary, I’m skipping to the end of the list with rule 64: Break the rules once in a while.

I like this rule. This is a good rule. This is a good rule that I am sometimes very good at following! It can also be rephrased as, “All things in moderation, including moderation.” :) Ha!

Healthy habits are important.

Maintaining those healthy habits on a day-to-day basis is also incredibly important. Personally, it’s how I’ve lost (and maintained!) 50 pounds in the past several years.

Here’s the thing: there are going to be times when you throw the healthy habit out the window, at least temporarily. I’m not advocating for it daily. That leads to too much indulgence, which can lead to setbacks, which can lead to feeling aggravated and potentially giving up on the healthy habits.

From time to time, however, breaking the rules is good for you! Obsessively sticking to healthy living, to the point of excluding enjoyment? That is not good for you, and potentially not good for people around you. Counting calories? Ok! Watching your fat intake? Ok! Watching your carb intake? Ok! Whatever you need to do to feel good about what you’re eating is important, and everyone will be different. But doing it to the exclusion of pleasure in what you’re consuming? Not so good.

I have tried to build a healthy habit of not eating potato chips or French fries on a regular basis. This one is hard, because I looooooooooove allthesaltycrunchythings. I’ve mostly successfully substituted lightly salted nuts for the chips, which works since I also really enjoy almonds and cashews. Every once in a while, though, I will allow myself to give in to the craving for a serving of either fries or chips; usually sour cream & onion or barbecue. Temporarily? It’s a fun thing to eat. Regularly? Nope; at least, not any more. I’ve tried for long enough to not eat fries & chips that even when I do, they don’t register the same enjoyment. And in the long run, that’s a very good thing.

What rule are you going to break on occasion? Enjoy!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!