Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Potatoes! (Need I Say More?)

I love potatoes, in almost any shape, form, or type of dish. We had potatoes two different ways at Christmas dinner, and both were scrumptious.

But let’s be honest. No one thinks of potatoes as a health food! Potatoes are, so deliciously often, a delivery mechanism for butter, salt, and many other things. Healthy?

Surprise! By themselves, potatoes are fat-free, cholesterol-free, and low in calories. They are also rich in fiber, have some protein, and supply some vitamins, iron, and more potassium than you might expect. Potatoes actually have more potassium per serving than any other fruit or veggie! Some studies suggest that potatoes, while classified as having a high glycemic index (a high impact on blood sugar), are actually a better-for-you starch than pasta.

(By the way, and in the interest of full disclosure, sweet potatoes, while nutritious and one of my favorite veggies, are related to potatoes but in a different taxonomic group. So they get a whole post to themselves at some future date!)

Don’t be afraid to branch out from the basic Idaho potato, too. Red, blue, purple, gold…you have many colors and varieties of potatoes to choose from! Some of the easiest preparations can also be the best for you. Try tossing cut potatoes with a little olive oil and sea salt and roasting them. Simple, delicious, and good for you!

How do you like your potatoes?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!