Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Food Rule #30

I’m still struggling a bit with vacation brain, and when I’m struggling to come up with a topic I enjoy going back to Michael Pollan’s book, FOOD RULES, for inspiration. Today’s random number, 30, sent me back to August of 2017. I was certain I’d done a #winewellnesswednesday post about the difference between organic, natural, and chemical-free, and I was right!

Food rule #30 is as follows: Eat well-grown food from healthy soil.

He even says it would have been shorter & easier to say, “eat organic.”

As I wrote in 2017, what we put onto and into the soil matters, and that’s the point Pollan wants to drive home here. The quality of the soil in which the food is grown matters. Using quality (hopefully chemical-free) fertilizer, rotating crops, and paying attention to the land? That’s a really good start for really good food.

And because vacation brain is still ruling my life…here’s a link to the post from 2017. :)

Cheers! Here’s to your health!