Being intentional about _______ can be really good for both your physical and mental health.
Yes, I left that blank on purpose. It’s different for everyone, and it’s different day by day or moment by moment.
For example, on a recent morning when I knew the remainder of the day would be really busy, I sat down and took a few minutes out of my morning exercise to pick up one of my smaller cross stitch projects. I added a row of stitches, thinking about nothing other than how much I enjoyed cross stitching, how nice it felt to sit with my stitching, and how I hope the person for whom that project is destined will like it.
It felt wonderful.
It took less than five minutes.
That wonderful feeling extended into the remainder of that morning’s exercise. I felt calm, and focused, and a bit joyful.
For me, the concept of being intentional goes beyond having a to-do list and checking things off, or sitting down at my computer and thinking, “I want to…” for whatever the project or task may be. It’s about granting myself permission, as well as encouragement, to focus entirely on whatever I want or need to be doing in that moment. In this world of multi-tasking, we spend much too much time trying to spread ourselves out and get as much done as possible in as little time as possible, and by the end of it, we are worn out, unhappy, and unhealthy.
Intentional is defined as, “done on purpose” and “deliberate.”
I deliberately sat down and cross stitched because I knew the day would be busy.
I sat down and cross stitched on purpose because I knew the day would be busy.
Yep. Both of those substitutions (definitions?) fit how I felt that day.
To what other actions can I apply the concept of being intentional?
I deliberately poured a glass of water instead of a glass of soda.
I went for a walk on purpose to clear my mind and get exercise.
I took intentional action to improve my mental and physical health.
This goes hand-in-hand with being mindful! (I’ll include a link to a Wine & Wellness Wednesday post from last August about mindfulness.)
When you set an intention, and focus on it, and devote positive energy to it, I expect you’ll find yourself feeling more than OK by the time you are done.
Try it, and let me know how it goes. :) Cheers! Here’s to your health!