Who, me? Additional alliteration?
For last week’s Wine & Wellness Wednesday, I talked about the health benefits of cashews, primarily as a potential anti-depressant. Let me reiterate that I do not recommend replacing <any given medication> with <any given foods>. This week, I want to talk about almonds!
Fiber. Protein. Vitamin E. Magnesium. Low in carbs. Anti-oxidants. Note that the anti-oxidants are primarily in the almond skin, so focus on almonds that haven’t been blanched.
All of these sound like good things, right? Right!
I like almonds (and almond-flavored things) very, very much. I eat them as a post-work, pre-dinner, I-want-to-avoid-eating-potato-chips snack fairly regularly. They help curb hunger and tide me over until dinner. I keep a small bag of almonds (and cashews) in my car, so I’m less tempted to stop and get snacks. I even like almonds in the form of crackers! :)
How about you? Do you appreciate almonds already? (Alliteration strikes again!)
Cheers! Here’s to your health!