I’ve now come back to this topic twice, and I think maybe it is a seasonal or cyclical thing. Recently we started reorganizing our basement; when we did that, we started removing things as well as reorganizing. As our weather is finally nicer, it has become time to box and stow the long-sleeved shirts and sweaters and pull out the short-sleeved shirts and other, lighter garments for nicer weather. I have also found myself more willing to let go of things. “Have you worn it recently?” “Do you love it?” “Did you miss wearing it?” “Will you wear it this summer?” I’ve discarded multiple items and that’s helped me feel lighter and less cluttered, both mentally and physically. It’s also almost time to do some reorganizing of the furniture, which will also probably mean some clearing & discarding of clutter.
How about you? What do you do to clear away the mental and/or physical clutter?
Cheers! Here’s to your health!