Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Go Plant Something!

In March of 2017, I did a #winewellnesswednesday post about gardening and why it’s good for your health.

I’ve been thinking about this again recently as I was finally able to get out into my yard and make some progress battling weeds and actually enjoying my gardens again. Even though the forecast for the next couple of weeks includes upper 90s again (seriously?!), and even though the lack of rain means weeding feels more like harvesting, it’s still extremely rewarding to be out in the yard, cleaning, planting, and enjoying my garden.

Mood booster. Yep, I get tired. On the hot days I get sweaty and drippy. Sometimes I get sore from overdoing it or (maybe) pushing it a little too much for some of the injuries I’ve had. Oh, but the feeling! Sunshine, a little extra vitamin D, and the feeling of accomplishment are great mood boosters.

Exercise. Gardening is good exercise. Even mowing the lawn, as annoyingly boring as it can be, is good exercise!

Productive. I love fresh fruits and veggies. I love knowing where a lot of what I buy is grown. Even better is when I pick strawberries or orange cherry tomatoes or fresh thyme from the plants in my own garden!

You don’t need a huge garden. You don’t need a huge yard! All you need is the interest, a little potting soil, and a container.

Plant something! It’s good for your health! (It’s also good for the environment. Plant a flower for pollinators, such as milkweed or butterfly flower, coneflower, or any of dozens of others. Bees & butterflies are our friends!)

Cheers! Here's to your health!