Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Good Foods to Boost Your Moods

Have you ever been in either a bad mood or just a blah mood and thought that maybe grabbing a candy bar or a bag of chips would fix everything?

How’d that work out for you? I’m guessing it didn’t work as well as you might have liked. (Although sometimes potato chips might be the right answer, but not often or always!)

Dark chocolate, almonds, strawberries, oranges, and tea are just a few of the things that I’ve found improve my moods when I need a bit of a pick-me-up or if I need to get out of a bad or blah mood. There are other things as well, such as bananas, chickpeas, coconut, edamame, or avocados that can help lift your spirits. Why are these foods beneficial as mood-lifters?

Dark chocolate, the darker the better (at least 70% cocoa), and with very few other ingredients, contains serotonin, which is an antidepressant. Almonds also boost serotonin levels; go for raw, unsalted nuts and keep the portions small. They’re high in calories so while they’re good for you, don’t go crazy! Berries such as strawberries help battle cravings for sweets without raising your blood sugar. I have a strawberry plant in a hanging basket and one of the best parts of the day is coming home and munching a few super-fresh strawberries right out of my garden! The vitamin C in oranges helps regulate stress hormones and lower your blood pressure. And afternoon tea, anyone? Theanine and caffeine in green or black tea can help with afternoon attention levels. (Or a peppermint herbal tea is refreshing and soothing without the caffeine!) 

Those are some of the things that I knew act as mood boosters for me. Some of my other favorite things are on the list, too! Feed your brain with the triglycerides in coconut chips, which help prevent sugar crashes and drooping moods. One source recommended banana slices in cottage cheese, as the combination gives a boost from fructose in the banana plus fiber to prevent blood sugar spikes. And I love chickpeas in many, many forms (including hummus) so I was delighted to see them on the list! Vitamin B6 in chickpeas is one of the things that can help prevent low energy and anxiety. Folate (another B vitamin) in edamame can have a positive effect on mood as well.

Finally, the healthy fats in avocado help increase endorphins and dopamine, which can also help improve your mood. (I’m working on appreciating avocado more than I do!) 

What’s your go-to healthy snack that helps boost your mood?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!