I would like to talk about goals. Goals are good. It’s important, as everyone knows, to have at least SMART goals. It’s better, as many people know, to have SMARTER goals.
What’s the difference?
Either way you look at it, it’s important to be smart about what you’re trying to accomplish. Big dreams and big goals are good! Figuring out how to achieve smaller, stepping-stone goals on the way to those big dreams and big goals? Also good.
I have very bad knees, as a result of too many years carrying too much weight. I’ve been getting cortisone shots in my left knee for several years now, and every time I have a conversation with the doctor. I must lose more weight before I can get my knees replaced. (On the flip side, the more weight I lose, the less pressure on the knees! They won’t heal by themselves, but they will hurt a little less!) I had a cortisone shot in May, and I set myself a goal. I wanted to lose at least 10 pounds by the time I had the next shot, which could have been any time after 8/21. It happens I had it on 9/19. (I kept forgetting to call and schedule it.)
I made my goal. I made my goal! AND I felt great about it! I had a specific goal, it was measurable and achievable, I set a timeframe, it was relevant to my current and long-term concerns, and it was timely. As I worked on my eating and activity habits between 5/21 and 9/19, I evaluated how I felt about my progress and revised my actions accordingly. (I also didn’t beat myself up for the occasional increases due to mildly indulgent evenings! All things in moderation…) I celebrated with a dark chocolate campfire mocha from a coffee shop. (Dark chocolate is good for you!) Treats & rewards…in moderation…are also good for you!
Goals. When I work with my clients, I ask “What are your goals? How can I as a health coach support you?” One way I work with individuals is to emphasize positive accountability. How are you doing now? How do you feel about it? What can you do this week to make progress toward your goal? How about next week? What are you going to do to celebrate when you hit your goal? Is your goal still serving your current and long-term needs? Those are the things we talk about in my coaching conversations. And I love helping people figure out how to make progress!!
What are your goals? How are you making progress on those goals? Give yourself a shout out!! Cheers! Here’s to your health!