Wine& Wellness Wednesday: Balance

I recently put a call out asking what types of topics people are interested in, and I’ve had a really, really wonderful time researching and then formulating responses to those topic requests. (So…if there’s anything about which you’re curious as you read this, by all means, drop me a message and let me know!) 

One of the requests was for balance and how to find it. When I delved into that a bit more, I came up with a few questions that I’d like to ponder further in this blog post.

First question: Do you know your core values, and do you have them written down? I'm not talking about your strengths, for example, if you’ve taken the Gallup strength finder assessment, but rather the two or three words that define your core values. These are your fundamental beliefs; your guiding principles. I'm not talking about a personal mission statement or vision statement. You’re looking at two or three words. I went through a fairly extensive exercise a few years ago and what I came away with from that exercise is that my core values are peace, knowledge, and creativity. I try to focus on those three things as I move through my days; sometimes I'm more successful than others. Some days I have to say no to some things in order to achieve either peace, knowledge, or time for creativity. That can be a real challenge.

Second question: If you were to ask yourself this question, what would you answer yourself? "What REALLY matters to me?" I have three things written on a sticky note and I have that note on the wall by my desk. I recently added a fourth item, but I have deliberately kept the list short. Again, I try to use that list as a guide and a touchstone when I think about what I want to get done.

Third question: What thing (or things) in your life can you absolutely not do without on a daily basis? Have you set an intention to make whatever-that-is happen every day? Some of you have probably heard me tell the story about my cross stitching; five years ago I realized I hadn't stitched in weeks and I was feeling very stitchy. (Feel free to substitute a different letter for the start of that word...) So I set an intention to cross stitch every day. I've missed only 17 days in almost five years because I make time for that critical (to me) activity every day, even if on occasion I am standing in my living room holding a project in my hand to stitch for 30 seconds. It isn't the amount of time or the number of stitches I do that matter to me. It’s setting and living by the intention to make cross stitching time happen every day. That intention is a very mindful practice and it helps balance my days.

We are all frequently pulled in multiple directions, and it can feel overwhelming. How in the world are we going to get all the things done? Honestly? We can’t always…and in some ways, acknowledging that we can’t do everything has to be ok. It is about more than prioritizing. To me, it’s about knowing your core values, what really matters to you, and what you can’t do without on a daily basis.

Cheers! Here’s to your health! (And here’s to keeping things balanced!)