Water & Wellness Wednesday: Don't! Forget! The Water!

I like drinking water.

It might even be safe to say I love drinking water.

I like plain water, sparkling water, flavored water, flavored sparking water. The only kind I really don’t like is flavored sparkling water with artificial sweeteners. Ick. Not my jam.


Meanwhile, I digress.

I am great at remembering to drink water when it’s hot and I’m active.

I’m less great at remembering to drink water in the cooler, quieter, less active times of the year.

So this re-post of a favorite topic is as much a reminder to myself as it is to anyone reading: DRINK WATER.

What does it take for you to remember to drink water? Reminders on your phone? Cute aps where you can build aquariums as you record how much you drink? Water bottles with measuring lines on them?

Whatever works for you, get going and get it done! Drink that water!

Cheers! (With a glass of water!) Here’s to your health!