Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Life Is Short; Eat Dessert First. (AKA Chocolate Is a Health Food!)


I’m a little incredulous that I’ve only gone over the topic of dark chocolate as a health food once and it’s been over 6 years. Say…whaaaaaaat? So here’s another oldie-but-a-goodie…now pardon me while I go find some dark chocolate!

Originally posted 05/11/2016 on my Facebook page; come on over & follow me on social media!

Dark chocolate goes very well with red wine.  (Well, with most red wine, that is.) So for this week’s Wine & Wellness Wednesday, I have a little red wine and a square of 72% dark chocolate. (Yes, that number is important!)

Dark chocolate is also good for you.


Yes!! Dark chocolate, in small doses, is a health food. (Sort of!)

Note that I specify “in small doses.” (So I’m fairly sure the chocolate tasting class I had when I was an undergrad was a bit excessive! I really loved that economic botany class...) No, a dark chocolate Snickers or Milky Way doesn’t count! (And if you’re having a little bit of dark chocolate, make that your dessert. It’s important not to overdo those calories! So having dark chocolate after you’ve had a piece of chocolate cake? No, that will not actually double the benefits!)

Let’s start with a quick look at why we love chocolate. Eating chocolate releases dopamine (a feel good transmitter) in your brain. That will improve mood and potentially help you relax.

What are the health benefits? Dark chocolate can lower blood pressure. It contains antioxidant compounds that are good for your heart. It is more filling than milk chocolate, so you need to eat less to feel full. It may reduce your stress hormones. It may even make you smarter!

What kind of dark chocolate should you look for? Make sure you’re buying at least 70% cocoa content, and not loaded with sugars or other additives. Keep it simple! It won’t be as sweet as that dark chocolate Milky Way Midnight, but it will be much better for you.

Cheers! Here’s to your health!