Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Food Rule 37

“The whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead.”

Well, that’s cheerful.

As Michael Pollan points out in FOOD RULES, white flour is not much different from sugar, in that the body processes white flour as it does sugar. Whole grains are better; we all know that.

It’s hard, though, SO hard, to turn down a piece of bread. Even going gluten-free, while it’s harder to find good bread, doesn’t exempt me from that temptation. Some of my very favorite memories of Dad baking when I was a kid are of fresh bread, recently out of the oven, slathered in butter. 

And there are some things for which there are just no substitutes! Cauliflower doesn’t make good toast, even as it makes good pizza crusts.

I limit the amount of bread I eat on a daily basis, typically to one slice at breakfast. It’s very rare for me to have more than that. I love it, but I also know that it’s better to have in small amounts.

So keep in mind that your body treats white flour like sugar…and limit them both!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!