Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Great Grapes!

Grapes are wonderful things.

After all, wine is made from them.

And jelly.



Get the picture?

I’ve written previously (several times) about the benefits of wine, specifically red wine, and I mentioned that many of the same benefits can be gained by drinking Concord grape juice. I realized today that I’d not written specifically about grapes! I’ll remedy that now.

Why are grapes good for you? Low in calories and fat, grapes are high in antioxidants that may help fight diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. They’re also a good source of vitamins K & K, and they have small amounts of dietary fiber. Raisins are delicious, although they are less filling than grapes. Additionally, grapes average about 81% water content, so they’re helpful for staying hydrated while you snack!

How do you like your grapes? Fermented, as juice, or plain & simple?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!