Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Eat Your Beans!

It isn’t one of Michael Pollan’s FOOD RULES, so I suppose I’m deviating a bit from using those as #winewellnesswednesday topics. Or am I, since I planned on doing things other than FOOD RULES?

I digress. Again. (I’m told I write the way I talk!)

Eat your beans! Specifically today I want to talk about black beans, those magical little legumes that can fit so nicely into multiple types of cuisines. In fact, they’re SO magical that they can be made into black bean PASTA. (How’s THAT for a versatile food?) Since going gluten-free back in 2015, one of the things I really missed for a while was spaghetti. Somehow or other I came across Explore Cuisine’s black bean spaghetti and the rest, as they say, is history. The same company makes other pastas out of other beans and so far we’ve enjoyed them all. One of the best benefits to bean pastas is the high protein and high fiber content, which for me means that there’s no carb coma after I have spaghetti.

Black beans are a good source of protein and fiber while being low in fat, and their calorie content is low compared to the weight of the bean. Translation? You can eat more of them without overloading on calories. If you’re counting calories, that totally counts! One thing I didn’t know about legumes is that they have a compound in them that can be toxic in high amounts. Cooking them (on the stovetop, not in a slow cooker) for at least ten minutes breaks down that compound, and black beans are lower in that particular item than other beans, such as red kidney beans. So moderation is definitely called for; maybe don’t have beans for absolutely every single meal every day!

I love cooking with black beans, whether they’re whole or in pasta. How about you? Any favorite black bean recipes?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!