Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Green Cleaning

I thought back to this topic from March of 2016 when I cleaned my toilet today at 5:15 a.m. Because of course that’s normal, to clean the toilet at 5:15 a.m. Why not? It needed it. I was using up some cleaning stuff I’d found as I did some decluttering. Next time, back to my baking soda and vinegar…


Health is about more than what’s in your body and the exercises you do. It’s also about what’s around you!

This week, I want to raise a glass to green cleaning! Have you ever thought about the warnings on modern cleaning products? I was struck by something I read on a cleaning solution in my house, particularly all of the horrible stuff that you had to think about related to what would happen if your skin came in contact with it.

White vinegar is a good alternative.

You know what happens if your skin comes in contact with white vinegar?

You smell like a pickle.

Compared to the dire warnings on cleaning products, smelling like a pickle doesn’t seem that bad.

I’m trying to use baking soda and vinegar more. Yes, it requires more elbow grease. Yes, it makes my house smell like pickles. (For the record, I’m not really a huge fan of pickles, particularly dill pickles.) That’s ok. I prefer the pickles to the toxic chemicals. What can you do to be green clean and healthier at home?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!