Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Cool As a Cucumber!

Ok. I have a confession to make. I might be a tiny bit obsessed with the Darlington variety of cucumbers. (Although recently I’ve also found lemon cucumbers very tasty.)

Yes, I’m being specific. And maybe a little silly. :)

I tried a cucumber recently at work and just about lost my mind because it was insanely sweet and delicious. It was almost like eating candy, and yet it was cool and refreshing at the same time. I asked the greenhouse owner what kind of cucumber it was. Darlington. That’s now the magic word in cucumber varieties in my life. :)


Why eat cucumbers?

Cucumbers are approximately 95% water. They’re great for helping you stay hydrated through food intake. (Don’t forget to drink water, too!) Cukes are full of nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and potassium. Research is in the very early stages on whether the compounds in cukes can help fight cancer or heart disease. Cucumbers also contain dietary fiber, and that’s good for you too!

To peel or not to peel? That’s entirely up to you. Sometimes the skin on a cucumber is thin enough to be pleasant to eat, and sometimes it’s not. Cucumbers are great in salads, in dressings such as tzatziki sauce (mmmm Greek food), or fresh as snacks. One thing I haven’t tried yet is actually cooking the cucumbers, as heating up something I’m accustomed to eating cold & fresh seems odd. But I might try it soon!

What’s your favorite way to eat cucumbers?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!