Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Decluttering & Discoveries!

Back in 2017 I posted about clearing clutter & getting giddy.

It’s still true.

Whenever I clear a cluttered pile of STUFF that has been making me a bit crazy, there is a definite lightness, a letting go, a giddiness. Clutter is not healthy, mentally or physically.

I think quite a few people have spent at least some of their time during this pandemic clearing the clutter in their homes. (Maybe also clearing the mental clutter?)

Decluttering can also lead to magical discoveries.

I, as many people know, love to cook. I use recipes, and I use Epicure products, and I make stuff up as I go. I have many, many cookbooks. Some of them I haven’t used yet, and some of them I use so frequently that I’ve memorized some of the recipes.

One of my favorites is BREAD TOMATO GARLIC, by Jill Dupleix.

You saw the picture that goes with this post?

Yeah.  Have you figured it out yet? That would be two copies of the same cookbook.

Quite a while ago I lost track of my copy. I couldn’t remember whether I’d lent it to someone, or to whom I might have lent it. I asked the usual suspects, and nope. I sort of wrote it off and ended up getting a decent used copy off Amazon or HPB.

Yesterday, while delving into the depths of a large plastic tub of miscellany, guess what I found.

Yep. My original copy, with my notes. (Honestly, losing the notes almost bothered me more than losing the book.)

I’ll be keeping both. It is genuinely one of my favorite recipes. Simple is good. (Each recipe in it has 3 primary ingredients, and no more than 4 to 6 supporting players. It’s lovely.)

Declutter something. Even if it’s a one-foot-square space, you’ll feel a difference. You may even make a magical discovery!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!