Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Eggs Aren't Evil!

In the past, I’d say I loved eggs.

I loved them in spaghetti carbonara, cakes, cookies, on spinach salad, and as deviled eggs. I can think of only one egg dish that I liked when I could actually taste the eggs. Otherwise, eggs were, well, too eggy.

Then when my husband and I were on our honeymoon, I ate scrambled eggs and cheese, and he wondered who I was and what I’d done with his wife!

Nowadays, 8 days a week I am more likely to have eggs for breakfast than anything else. (Is this the point at which I say, “Sorry-not-sorry for the Beatles earworm!”?)

Eggs are evil! 

Eggs are magic! 

Eggs are the answer to all of the world’s ills!

Eggs are…

Take your pick, there’s probably been a version of one of those statements that’s been widely shared as the ultimate answer.  (Fads? In nutrition? Yep. No surprise there.)

What’s the current thinking and what does it mean for you? Eggs on a regular basis are not evil!

Eggs are full of protein and nutrients: vitamins A, B, and D; and lutein, to name a few. Eggs themselves contain very little saturated fat. The issue comes in when you cook them in butter or serve them with foods higher in fat. Veggies cooked in olive oil are a really good delivery vehicle for eggs. (Recently we’ve really enjoyed tossing in some crumbled feta as well!) 

How do you like your eggs?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!