_____________ is more fun with a friend.
(Hey now! Come on – get your mind out of the gutter. It’s a family show!)
You could fill in that blank with lots of activities, but the one I’m focused on today is exercise. Whether it is going for a walk or going to the gym, having a buddy adds an extra oomph of accountability & encouragement to actually do it.
Yes. Oomph is a measurement. No, it isn’t precise. Yes, it’s different for everyone. Don’t look it up. Just trust me. It’s on the internet. That makes it true.
(Huh. Now I’m wondering about accountability buddies for things like meal planning…hmm…)
But I digress.
So. Why? If you enjoy working out alone, why get a buddy? I can think of at least three things: motivation, consistency, & encouragement.
Motivation can come in many forms. Maybe you’re competitive, and working out with a buddy inspires you to do a little bit more than someone else. Having someone to be accountable to also motivates you to actually show up. Even if it isn’t someone you meet up with to exercise, having a buddy text you & ask, “How’s it going?” can be a huge help! I have several exercise buddies by way of texts or emails and we check in with each other regularly. I’m also motivated to go walking with a friend because then we get some dedicated time together regularly!
Consistency counts. If you’re meeting someone and you’ve committed to it, you’re more likely to go regularly instead of staying in bed that extra half hour or going to happy hour instead of to the gym after work.
Wait a sec…gym happy hour of exercise followed by light beverages such as lemonade or herbal teas…Hmmmm…!!
Encouragement in the form of positive accountability is extremely important. And I keep saying that positive accountability is the key. Find a workout buddy who will encourage you & you can encourage them and together you’ll keep going!
Know your goals, interests, and capabilities. For example, while I can absolutely admire the friends who want to run half marathons or train for triathlons or whatever the case may be, I know full well that is not my bailiwick. I’m a stationary bike or elliptical or kickboxing kind of a person. I would not be a great workout buddy for a triathlete. Coach? Absolutely! At least in the form of my work as a health coach & accountability partner. Actually training for a triathlon? Y’all have fun with that. I’ll be over here on my elliptical machine.
What’s it going to take to get you moving? Who’s your exercise buddy? Who keeps you accountable – in positive ways – to keep going?
Cheers! Here’s to your health!