Are you a dog person? A cat person? A betta in a bowl person? While some studies say that people with dogs are generally healthier, having a pet of some kind has definite health benefits.
Something to keep in mind, naturally, is that having any kind of a pet is a fairly sizeable responsibility. So if you aren’t already owned by a pet, take a good look at your lifestyle in order to determine what type of pet would be best for you before you add one to your home!
Ok, what are the benefits of pet ownership (or of being owned by a pet)?
Lower blood pressure and heart rate as well as a decreased risk of heart disease are probably top of the list, along with fighting off feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. I know that my blood pressure drops when I pet our dogs, and my mood improves when I spend time with them. Also, if I’m upset about something, one or both of the dogs will frequently notice and then try to make me feel better.
Exercise! We happen to have a fairly large back yard, so we typically simply let the dogs out into the yard and they have fun chasing each other, or chasing squirrels, or being confused when a neighbor is on their roof, or simply basking in the sun. (That one doesn’t make sense when it’s 98 degrees outside, to be honest!) Having a dog can be a great way to get more exercise; it’s as simple as leashing the dog and taking a walk around the block. Or down the road to the dog park. Or out to the wildlife refuge. Or any of a thousand different dog-friendly places. My New Year’s resolution one year was to take the dogs for a walk at least once a week. I didn’t always get there, and sometimes the back yard had to be their exercise (as well as daycare), but it was a lot of fun when I did.
Are you a pet person? If you aren’t, there’s a lot to consider before adding a pet of any kind to your home. If you are, enjoy the health benefits that you might not have fully considered before now!
Cheers! Here’s to your health!