(By the way…I really did have to laugh at myself. I had this written. It was ready to go for last Wednesday, March 4th. And then I DIDN’T plan my day and it went a bit sideways, although in all good ways. And didn’t end up with me eating a pint of ice cream at 4 p.m.!)
Picture this: you have an unscheduled day, unexpectedly, all to yourself. You make lists, mental or otherwise, of all of the things you want to get done. You think, “TODAY IS THE DAY!”
At 4 in the afternoon, you find yourself chowing down on a pint of ice cream, watching kitten videos, wondering what happened to your productive day.
The ice cream – while delicious – is not exactly the best midafternoon snack. At least, not if you eat the entire pint. (I do advocate, on occasion, for ice cream as dinner. Because occasionally it’s a fun plan.) An entire pint of ice cream before dinner? Life is short, eat dessert first is a fun theory, but not the healthiest plan in the world.
What happened to your productive day and how did it devolve into ice cream at 4 in the afternoon?
Now, picture this: you have an unscheduled day, unexpectedly, all to yourself. You make lists, mental or otherwise, of all the things you want to get done. You think, “TODAY IS THE DAY!” You take out your calendar, whether paper or digital, and you chunk out time in your day for the things you want to do, including watching those kitten videos and eating ice cream.
Here’s the key! You pay attention to your plan.
At 4 in the afternoon, you look around, you think, “Gosh, I was productive,” and you make a lovely cup of herbal tea. Or a margarita. Or you have carrots and dip. Or you start prepping dinner. Whatever it is, you’re purposeful about it, and you didn’t eat a pint of ice cream. Because, truly, ice cream would be better after dinner. Unless it is dinner.
So, what’s the difference?
To-do lists are wonderful things. They are. Checking things off the list feels great! LOOK AT ME, I DID STUFF. It’s a good feeling. Planning time on your calendar to DO the things on your list sets limits and goals around your time.
Also? Schedule your screen time. Unless your to-do list includes loads of stuff that require a smartphone, tablet, or computer, gadgets are distractions, not tools. Whether it’s kitten videos or reading endless news articles, suddenly you look up, the to-do list isn’t done and it’s past time for dinner so you end up with carryout, and that’s not always the healthiest.
I’m not saying don’t deviate from the plan; that will happen. Having a plan, though…that’s a really good starting point for a healthier, productive, relaxing day.
Cheers! Here’s to your health!