Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Building the Habit of Positive Self-Talk

Lots of things have been said over the years about building good habits or breaking habits that don’t serve us well. (Including by me on occasion!)

Most of the time, we think of those habits as actions or tasks; as things we want to do on a regular basis.

How often do you think about those habits as thoughts; as things you want to think or believe on a regular basis?

During the upheaval of the past few months, I’ve been struggling to maintain routines and habits, and my thought processes have been wildly uneven. It’s frustrating, to say the least.

Several days ago, I said to myself, “Self, it’s ok. You are doing the best you can. You have a finite amount of energy on a daily basis. Give yourself a break. Accept that you’ve used your energy, be ok with what you’ve gotten done, and let go of any guilt you’re feeling. Tomorrow is another day.” 

I also said to myself, “Self, look at the things you’ve done the past few days. Maybe you haven’t done ALL THE THINGS. But look at what you HAVE done and the habits you’ve started back up again. That should feel great!”

What are you saying to yourself or thinking to yourself ABOUT yourself right now?

I have a challenge for you. Spend some time with yourself and make it positive. Pick something you’re grateful for, or positive about, and focus on that feeling. Pick a conversation to have with yourself, and do it again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next.

That habit you’re building? It’s good for you. Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Discouragement and Getting Back Up Again

“I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down…”

(You’re welcome for the earworm!)

Now that we all have a Chumbawamba song in our heads, I want to talk about discouragement and getting back up again.

I’ve been slowly healing from a small avulsion fracture on my right foot. Now I have matching fractures, one on each foot. (Again, as I’ve said before, golly but I’m super talented.) I’m definitely making progress and adding back activities and have been very grateful for my progress.

Then, today, I managed to slightly injure my right hand. Twice. In the same day. One injury had a clear cause; the other, I’m not quite sure how or what happened. (What can I say other than golly but I’m super talented?) And to be honest, typing kindasorta hurts a bit. So this might be one of those shortish Wine & Wellness Wednesday posts.

I’m grateful that I’d already been planning a different exercise routine for tomorrow morning, as I’m not sure how my injured hand would do with my usual yoga and floor exercises and arm weights. I am super excited to get back to the exercise bicycle and use it for a short time tomorrow morning!

I’m also tired. And discouraged. Because it’s one of those days when it feels as if no matter what I do, something lurks around the corner to knock me backwards.

Except it isn’t true.

Injured? Yes. Annoyed and discouraged? A bit. Powerful in the knowledge that I’ll heal, that I have options, and that tomorrow is another day? Absolutely. Grateful that certain actions don’t hurt and I could actually prepare tonight’s dinner? Completely!

One change. One action. One improvement. One positive thought.

Each of those seems small by itself.

Together, they are powerful.

What will you do the next time you get knocked down?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Gratitude, Positivity, and a Guest Post

Tomorrow is the last day of November, and November is the month of Thanksgiving, and traditionally there’s lots of talk about what we are grateful for. That’s a good thing to keep in mind on a daily basis.

I’m grateful for a regular practice of meditation and journaling every morning, and I start every journal entry with the same three questions every day:

  • What am I grateful for today?
  • What am I positive about today?
  • What are my creative intentions for today?

At the end of 2016, I posted about feeling gratitude and what I was grateful for last year. (I’m including the link to that post in the comments.) Thinking about gratitude and positivity and my daily journaling let me to thinking about something a good friend of mine, Robert Caverty, has been doing. He started a daily positivity practice. I asked him recently why he’d done so and how he felt he benefited. I’m very grateful to Robert for sharing his experience with me and allowing me to share his words here.

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Robert Caverty: So, I had been suffering some major depression and was struggling to claw my way back. At some point I realized the problem wasn't going to go away on its own, so I did a bit of research and found that one of the biggest hurdles for depression is the fact that your brain feeds on reinforcement - so when you're feeling down, you think negative thoughts, which makes you feel down, repeat ad nauseam.

Just like trying to not think of a purple elephant, the trick isn't to get yourself to stop thinking about it, but to fill your mind with something else and build on those reinforcements.

The original journal concept was to write three things I liked about the day (regardless of how important they are - could be as simple as "I held the door open for someone"), saying them out loud as I wrote them (for stronger reinforcement) each night, then reread them aloud in the morning.

At first, it was really hard to come up with things to write, and I still struggle with jotting down the first positive at times, but I found each positive made the next one easier to find, so that by the third or fourth or fifth, they start flowing easily. I also found over a few weeks that I noticed more positives throughout the days, since I was slowly (somewhat unintentionally) training myself to look for them.

After a few months, it became habit. Day-to-day troubles became less and less bothersome; I started becoming more productive at work and more able to focus on solutions when presented with a problem. My relationship with my son started improving, and parenting became less about the chore of keeping a child alive and well developed, and more about the joy and shared experiences of life.  I stopped seeing problems, and started seeing opportunities in their place. The world didn't change, but my perspective did.

Getting started (and getting over the slightly hokey-ness of the whole process) was the hardest bit, but if I could pinpoint one tool that's helped me come back from the brink, that list would be it!