Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Quinoa Quite Qool

LOL! Ok, so I know it is a terrible spelling, however, as I’m fond of alliteration, I couldn’t resist. I didn’t try very hard, either, to be completely honest!

I love rice, and pasta (gluten-free, of course), and potatoes, but sometimes? Sometimes I want something different.

Quinoa is an intriguing and tasty option when I want something that seems starchy…but is surprisingly full of protein and lower in carbs. Watching carbs? Quinoa has 21 grams to pasta’s 30 and white rice’s 80, in a 3.5 ounce serving. It’s a good source for folate (a B vitamin), iron, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorous in your diet.

Quinoa is not a grass; it’s a flowering plant actually related to spinach! It cooks fairly rapidly and it’s honestly fun to watch it cook, as parts of the seed become translucent. It’s good both hot and cold, and I use it both as a base for things with sauces and as an addition to salads.

Have you cooked with quinoa recently? What’s on your menu that you could replace with quinoa for your starch option?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!