Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Sunscreen Is Not Optional!

I am outside a lot. That seems a bit of an understatement. And when it’s super hot and super humid, as it has been recently, I’d much rather be inside, on my sofa, with my cross stitching. But I digress. I’m outside a lot.

I use a lot of sunscreen. I put sunscreen on my face, my ears, my neck (including the back of my neck), my arms, and my legs. I make sure I apply it under the hems and neckline and so on, because shirtsleeves shift, and shirt collars move, and anywhere that the sun might hit me, I want sunscreen. I frequently, but not always, wear a hat. If I am wearing sandals, I put sunscreen on my feet first.


First: I hate sunburns. Hate. HATE. They hurt. They’re annoying. They peel. Did I mention they hurt?

Second: I have a family history of melanoma. I’ve been very fortunate so far that I have had no problems, right up until this June when I had a possibly suspicious mole removed. It turns out the mole was fine, but the dermatologist wants to keep an eye on a different mole. And I’m fine with that, because my father has had multiple melanoma spots removed.

Sun damage to your skin can be a real problem. A little healthy color in the skin isn’t bad. And sunshine plus skin equals vitamin D, which is an important nutrient. Among other things, vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and keep your bones healthy. But…tanning until your skin is the color (and texture) of cardboard? That’s not something I admire, and it’s not something I am willing to do. I’m covered in freckles. And I have a fair quantity of moles. Most of those moles are no problem. Same with the freckles. But that family history of melanoma I mentioned? That scares me. It scares me a lot. My father recently had to manage an open wound on his neck because of having a large melanoma spot removed. He’ll have to manage that wound until it heals, as it’s too big for stitches. He’s doing fantastically well with it, and the nurse at his dermatologist’s office is very pleased about that. But it’s a chore and a pain and it’s just one extra thing to deal with on a daily basis. Also? Sun poisoning? That’s a thing. That’s a very bad thing. It’s like a sunburn, only much worse. And, by worse, I mean nausea/vomiting/headache/fever worse. Regular application of sunscreen? That’s a good way to avoid sunburns or sun poisoning.

Go With Your Own Glow. I saw that slogan on a poster at the dermatologist’s office and it struck a chord with me. I wear, nowadays, no makeup. I don’t like being bothered with it. Keeping my skin clean and healthy and sunburn free is important to me. 

Wear sunscreen. WEAR SUNSCREEN. Anything above an SPF of 50? It’s marketing; it will do nothing for you. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen between SPF of 15 and 30 or 50. Protect yourself with suitable clothing if you can, and/or a hat. But wear sunscreen! Your skin will thank you!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!