Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Make One Change and Change Your Day

I recently had a day that became one of THOSE days. It started well enough. Decent-ish sleep, meditation, and really good exercise. Those are good starts to the day. And then, somehow, the day went PFFFFFFFFFFFFT. Or as I texted my husband, “OMGOLDFISH it’s become one of THOSE days.”


 I kept thinking to myself, “If I do just one thing to make the next few minutes better or different, what will it be?”

 I had lunch.

 I cross stitched.

 I crocheted.

Cross stitching and crocheting are two of the creative activities that keep me grounded and almost always make me feel better. And I do them daily. So those activities helped in several ways.

I took a shower.

I moved some clutter out of one room by actually putting things back where they belonged. (Radical notion, that!)

And do you know what happened?

I felt better.

Did I solve the world’s problems? I did not.

Did I fix absolutely everything that’s making me a little bonkers at the moment? I did not.

Did I do one thing that made me feel better? I did. And then I did another. And then I did another. And then I was able to take a deep breath, settle my shoulders away from my ears, and look at the rest of the day with a great deal more equanimity.

I’ve got this.

I may not know what the this I’ve got is, but I’ve got this.

At least for now.

What’s one thing you can do right now to feel better? Everyone can make one positive, sustainable change a week to feel better. I genuinely believe it. And I do my best to live it. What’s your one thing today? Or this week? Or this month? Make one change and change your day.

You’ve got this. I still may not know what the this you’ve got is, but you’ve got this.

Cheers! Here’s to your health!