Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Feed the Right Wolf

I’ve been thinking a lot about this phrase lately, ever since re-watching the movie TOMORROWLAND.

There’s been a lot of stuff going on in the world lately. I keep coming back to this phrase.

Feed the right wolf.

I went looking for information online to see if something would trigger a specific thought process.

After reading the Psychology Today article (link included below), what comes back to me again is “choose your attitude.”

We make choices every day. We decide which wolf to feed every day. We move between action, reaction, and response every day.

Today, I fed the healthy wolf, the calmer, clear-thinking wolf. I spent time on activities emphasizing some of my core values (creativity and knowledge). I made healthy choices for meals and sleep. I allowed myself to be both productive and lazy, all in the same day. The choices we make every day impact not only ourselves, but everyone around us.

Today, I fed the right wolf. I hope to do it again tomorrow.

What can you do tonight (or tomorrow…or the next day…) to feed the right wolf?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!