Wine & Wellness Wednesday: 3 Ways to Have a Healthy Holiday!

So, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, of course (at least in the USA), and it’s become a day to overeat, hang out with family and friends, watch football, or do whatever-it-is that you do. :) I’ve been thinking, as I faced the specter of a vacation, “How am I going to stay on target with my healthy goals while enjoying the holidays?” And I came up with three things.

1.  Have a plan. We are spending time with family, and that frequently means both travel and indulgence. I brought my own snacks. I made a menu and worked on it with family so we’ll stick to it. I made arrangements to exercise. I planned on a little indulgence. (See 3 below.) :)

2.  Drink water! Everyone knows this is one of my favorite topics anyway, and at the holidays it becomes even more important. Whether your holiday beverage of choice is wine, whiskey, eggnog, or a Coke, alternating with water is a good way to cut down on calories and a good way to stay hydrated. (How does it help you cut down on calories? By not eating or drinking as much; water fills you up!)

3.  Be a little indulgent. As Michael Pollan says in FOOD RULES, “Break the rules once in a while.” (#64). Oscar Wilde is credited with “All things in moderation, including moderation.” It’s a holiday. Have some fun. Have a piece of pumpkin or pecan pie (not a huge piece). Find creative recipes to substitute healthy ingredients for your holiday favorites! (And maybe have a spinach salad with dinner.)

Cheers! Happy Thanksgiving, and here’s to your health!