I'd been wracking my brain to think of a topic for this week, and one of these days I'll get around to the health benefits of kohlrabi. Really. I will. (In case you're helplessly curious!)
Several sad occurrences this week reminded me of just how important it is to find joy in life, not only in big events like weddings or births or other major things, but in little, everyday occurrences that frequently go unnoticed or even ignored.
A conversation with good friends.
A kiss from my husband.
A cuddle with the dogs.
A sighting of a flicker on the evergreen tree in our front yard.
The fleeting glimpse of glowing golden leaves against a stormy sky.
The silence when the gusts of wind have paused.
All of these and more can produce moments of joy.
Finding joy in those moments, or recognizing them when they happen, can be extremely rewarding.
They can also be good for your health. Joy & happiness can, in cumulative fashion, help lower blood pressure and heart rate, and the happiest people have lower rates of heart disease. Experiencing joy & happiness can strengthen your immune system. Being open to joyful moments can help reduce stress and increase your enjoyment of the world around you!
Cheers! Here’s to your health!