Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Take a Vacation!

Back in 2016, I posted (and then re-posted) this topic about vacations and taking down time. As I look forward to a long weekend away (a mini vacation, if you will), I go back to this topic and it’s still relevant.

Down time matters.

Vacation time matters.

Relaxing matters.

Scheduling fun time matters.

We all need breaks from our routines, even as we take some of our routines with us when we take those breaks. :) (For example, meditating, journaling, and exercising are routines I try to take with me everywhere I go! I also stick to my gluten-free menus and mostly, usually, healthy eating. But not always!)

Take a day. Take two days. Take a week! Take time away from your everyday responsibilities and take time for yourself. Your health will thank you. Your brain will thank you! Going back to work and being more productive means your colleagues will thank you! :)

Cheers! Here’s to your health!