Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Washing Your Face Is Good for Your Health

Google has failed me.

My Google-fu is no longer as strong as it was.

For the first time, Google has failed to return search results that I can utilize to confirm and support my theory.

I’m on my own here.

I’m not sure I can cope!

<insert laughter here>

For several days over the past weekend, I went swimming late in the day. I showered afterwards so as not to sleep in the chlorine. Each of the following mornings, I had no reason for a full shower.

I washed my face instead. It felt weirdly glorious. I didn’t need a full shower, however, washing my face felt like a fresh start to the day, like I was ready for anything. At the end of the day, washing my face feels like I’m ready to call it a day and be done, like I’ve cleaned off the dust and detritus of the day, both mental and physical.

We look at New Year’s Day as a fresh start. Some people say Mondays are their favorite days, because they are fresh starts every week. The simple act of washing your face can be a fresh start twice a day, and that’s a wonderful thing both for your mental and physical health!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!