Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Learn Something New and Rewire Your Brain

I recently tied a knot in a different direction from how I’m accustomed to tying knots.

It felt odd.

It also felt as if I’d strengthened my little grey cells, as Hercule Poirot might say.

I also recently resumed learning how to knit. I’ve crocheted for years, and I’m really good at flat things, but don’t ask me to make a sweater! Knitting always seemed harder. I also have a weird urge to make socks. (Yes I know! It's a long way from flat things to socks.)

It also felt odd.

And it felt really good.

It’s a known fact that learning new things strengthens the brain. Computer games, or mobile brain games on smartphones, have been pushed out for a long time as ways to strengthen the brain and help prevent memory loss. Learning to do tasks in different ways is sometimes critical, for example if someone has had a brain injury or if someone is temporarily incapacitated due to a less critical injury, such as a broken ankle or broken arm. Learning to do tasks in different ways can also be useful in strengthening the brain, although apparently not as much as learning something completely new.

So while you may not think about strengthening your brain as being a health topic, maybe it’s time to rethink that! ;)

Cheers! Here’s to your health! What new thing are you going to learn?