Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Getting Back to Routine

Routine is a wonderful thing. I was a bit lazy and very relaxed while on vacation, which is really rather the point of being on vacation to begin with! I am delighted, however, that after three days of being home from my vacation, I’m back in the swing of things. I started that on day one of being home, and it felt (and feels) great! Here’s a look back at an old #winewellnesswednesday post about routines. :)

Cheers! Here’s to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: March 23, 2016

Routines are good things. Healthy routines are even better things.

Changing your routine can be an even better thing. (An even better, better thing?) :)

Say what?

Do you get bored? Do you feel stuck? Switch stuff up! I’m not talking radical changes, such as suddenly waking up on a Tuesday and deciding to run marathons. (Although that would totally be awesome if you do it!) I’m talking about modifications to things like your exercise routine, or “I always have ___ for breakfast.”

I thought about this a few weeks ago when I switched the order in which I always do pieces of my exercise routine. Whoa. My muscles were very differently sore and tired when I was done, and I felt great! It was as if I’d done an entirely different routine, and yet all I’d done was rearrange the order of the exercises.

I do the same thing with breakfast, actually; most of the time my marvelous husband makes scrambled eggs (usually with goat cheese). That loaded-with-protein breakfast does a great job of getting me through the morning with minimal snacking. J But sometimes I want something different, so I’ll have hard-boiled eggs or sunny-side-up; you get the point. A small modification makes all the difference. It saves me from getting completely bored with eggs every day.

Making a modification to part of your routine can also help you get unstuck, whether it’s from a plateau for weight loss, or boredom, or whatever!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!