(Today’s super-long subtitle: Why I Don’t Make Specifically Healthy New Year’s Resolutions)
Happy New Year! I have a glass of wine, so it seems like a good time for Wine & Wellness Wednesd! :) It also seems completely crazy that it’s suddenly 2018. And it’s suddenly the third day of January, 2018. Time flies and all that!
In December of 2015 I wrote a post about resolutions and themes for resolutions. Oddly enough, at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017, I didn’t post about resolutions. (So weird, right?) As 2017 drew to a close and New Year’s Eve loomed, I found myself thinking again about resolutions and how they are so often broken, usually fairly rapidly, and then we get discouraged. And I thought again about all of the resolutions I’ve made recently that were simply fun and occasionally constructive, but never related to health or weight or fitness.
Ummmmm…say what? Jolie, you’re a health coach. Shouldn’t your New Year’s resolution be about that?
Well, to put it bluntly: nope.
Here’s the thing. Every day is a chance to start (or maintain!) a healthy habit. Every day is a chance to build wellness improvements into our lives. Just because a new year begins on January 1 doesn’t make that the perfect time to start a massive change. And massive changes can be overwhelming and hard to maintain.
So I’ve been trying to figure out what fun resolutions I want to make for 2018 and coming up with way too many.
Walk the dogs once a week. (This mostly went well in 2017, although I missed a few. And as much as I love my dogs I am so very much NOT walking them when the high temp is -10F!) Bubble bath once a month. Work on the woodland faerie cross stitch project once a week. Sit in the hammock once a month at minimum, even in bad weather. (I actually, honestly contemplated this yesterday as the temp was up to 13F instead of -10F. And still…nope.) I may have actually settled on all of the above, which seems sort of silly, but all of the above are things that will add value to my life. Working on the woodland faerie will feel productive as I try to finish it up and give it to my mother. Hammock time will be relaxing, as will a bubble bath at least once a month. Walking the dogs will be productive, in that it’s both exercise for all of us as well as togetherness time.
What’s your resolution for 2018? Are you going to try to lose weight, run a 5K, read 100 books in a year, or have a bubble bath once a month? :)
Cheers! Here’s to your health!