Holidays are weird. Time loses all meaning, and the days run together. I would have no idea what day it is, except I do actually know it’s Wine & Wellness Wednesday, as this topic has been percolating in my brain for a while. Ha!
It’s January 1st, and after the glitter and confetti (or the hangovers, or whatever) settle from NYE celebrations, many of us will make resolutions about things we want to change in the new year.
Eat better? Exercise more? Spend less? Sure! All the things.
Here’s the thing.
Do them because you WANT to, not because people (and by people I mean anyone outside of yourself) say you should.
Anyone who knows me knows I loathe the word, “should.” So if I’m using it, you can bet I have a point to make. To be honest, it has become such a visceral reaction I have to actively stop myself on occasion and not respond with, “You should stop shoulding all over me.” (Except with my husband, the poor guy. He gets that reaction. I should really work on that.) Society has gotten incredibly lazy: “Oooh, you should check that out,” instead of “Oooh, I think you’d enjoy that.” Or whatever. Should, to me, is a negative, weighted word, heavy with obligation imposed from outside ourselves.
But I digress. (Seriously. Are you surprised by this?)
I’m not a fan of resolutions. Frequently, resolutions sound good, and folks charge into the new year ready with high-minded, virtuous resolutions, only to find themselves in the same old habits and patterns.
I’m a fan of goals. Specifically, I’m a fan of SMARTER goals. My version goes like this: the goal needs to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely; as I make progress (or don’t), I evaluate and revise.
Every day has the potential for us to make a fresh start on a goal, or, if you must, a resolution. The most important thing is to have a plan for how to make that goal a reality. Eat better, or have an accountability partner (or coach), or save money, or whatever the case may be. Whether it’s January 1st, March 19th, or August 17th, that’s a day that you can wake up and decide to make a change.
What positive change are you going to make in 2025?
Cheers! Here’s to your health!