Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Exercise! (Again!)

I’ve talked about walking, and microbursts, and finding enjoyment in a regular exercise routine. Today, I’m so grateful to be back into my regular exercise routine that I want to revisit the topic I originally posted in September, 2016.

What are the benefits of exercise (the short version)?

  • It’s good for helping prevent (or eliminate) type 2 diabetes.
  • Exercise is good for your brain.
  • It’s a weapon against heart disease.

When I was restricted from exercise again because of a small fracture, it was a real drag. I’m not athletic by any stretch of the imagination, however, I enjoy my workouts and they make a good start to my day. Gardening, mowing, and walking around the greenhouse also contributed to feeling better and getting back to normal!

What's your favorite exercise? Now, go do some of that! :) 

If you don't have a favorite, now's a great time to find something! Go for a walk! Find a class! Get an exercise buddy!

Cheers! Here's to your health!