Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Exercise! (Again!)

I’ve talked about walking, and microbursts, and finding enjoyment in a regular exercise routine. Today, I’m so grateful to be back into my regular exercise routine that I want to revisit the topic I originally posted in September, 2016.

What are the benefits of exercise (the short version)?

  • It’s good for helping prevent (or eliminate) type 2 diabetes.
  • Exercise is good for your brain.
  • It’s a weapon against heart disease.

When I was restricted from exercise again because of a small fracture, it was a real drag. I’m not athletic by any stretch of the imagination, however, I enjoy my workouts and they make a good start to my day. Gardening, mowing, and walking around the greenhouse also contributed to feeling better and getting back to normal!

What's your favorite exercise? Now, go do some of that! :) 

If you don't have a favorite, now's a great time to find something! Go for a walk! Find a class! Get an exercise buddy!

Cheers! Here's to your health!

Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Heart Health

Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s #winewellnesswednesday, so my glass of red wine & I would like to talk to you about heart health. (Of course! What an appropriate topic for Valentine’s Day!)

Let’s start with red wine and your heart, or Concord grape juice and your heart. You can get similar benefits from either, so there’s no need to start drinking alcohol if you aren’t a drinker! Red wine has antioxidants and resveratrol. The antioxidants may help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart, and resveratrol may help prevent damage as well as break up LDL cholesterol, improving your overall cholesterol count. Again, you can get the same benefits from Concord grape juice. So have a glass of a good, dry red wine, or have a glass of Concord grape juice. They’re both good for you, in moderation!

A healthy diet is critical for your heart, and it can be a lot of fun as well! Lowering cholesterol, raising fiber, lowering sodium, and focusing on more fruits & veggies in your diet are all beneficial. And even better, there are dozens of ways to do all of those things without feeling as though you’re consumed every day by managing your meals. Add spinach to a salad, or to your breakfast eggs. Substitute sweet potato for potato. Substitute black bean pasta for regular spaghetti. Select a smaller steak and have broccoli with it instead of mashed potatoes. Have a nice piece of a quality dark chocolate for dessert. See? Fun!

Exercise, exercise, exercise. Even just 40 minutes of a brisk walk three times a week can be beneficial! If all you ever do is sit at a desk, get up from your desk regularly and walk around. Take the stairs if you can. Walk up and down the block around your neighborhood. Park further away from the grocery store. If you already exercise, add to it and add some variety! But GET MOVING! If you’ve never been into exercise, what are you waiting for? You don’t have to run a marathon, but you do need to move.

Get good sleep! If you don’t get enough sleep, you are at risk for diabetes, weight gain, and cardiovascular disease. Sleep for solid periods of time so your body can rest, heal, and prepare for the next day. This isn’t just a good idea; it’s a critical necessity to protect your heart and your overall health!

Heart health. Not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day. Take care of your heart, and take care of you!

Cheers! Here’s to your health!