Wine & Wellness Wednesday: Drink the Spinach Water

Um…say what?

Jolie. You don’t literally mean to DRINK the water from cooking veggies?

Well, no. While I do love spinach, I don’t literally mean you should put your veggie water over ice and drink it with lunch.

Here’s the exact text from Michael Pollan’s FOOD RULES. This is rule 26: 

“Another bit of traditional wisdom with good science behind it. The water in which vegetables are cooked is rich in vitamins and other healthful plant chemicals. Save it for soup or add it to sauces.”

Think about it.

How often have you cooked vegetables – of any type – and drained the water off before adding seasonings, or butter, or mixing in other ingredients? What a waste to send all of that down the drain!

Have you ever made your own chicken or beef broth? How about veggie broth? It wouldn’t be that different to save the water from cooking vegetables and mix it with homemade broth or use it to boost store-bought materials.

Do you do this already? I’ve done it on occasion but not often enough! If you haven’t done it, what could you see yourself using spinach water to cook?

Cheers! Here’s to your health!